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The Enchanted Collection of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber
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How to do an Enchanted Tarot Reading

Getting a reading with The Enchanted Tarot is the best way to incorporate into your daily life Dr. Karl Jung's Law of Synchronicity (from the Greek syn meaning "together" and chronos meaning "time," a beautiful way to say together in time). Synchronicity is the big buzz word nowadays and its been "re-discovered" and had lots of books and articles written about it by people like Dr. Deepak Chopra and other notables of the new consciousness movement, but like so much of this movement's basic premise, its basis is in ancient wisdom, like that found in the tarot. We've always been a bit ahead of our time and are proud to say that we've been studying and incorporating synchronicity into our daily live since 1974, so that you don't have to, unless you want to! In that case, join us as a member and you can check out our Mystery School to go deeper into the study of the tarot, astrology, alchemy, The Goddess, and more.

The cards of The Enchanted Tarot can give you useful, inspiring and accurate guidance. It is easy and pleasurable to learn how to use them. As our gift to you, feel free to come here anytime and get unlimited one-card readings that can offer guidance on almost any question you can think of. Using the One Card technique is a great way to develop your skill in the art of listening to what the cards and your Higher Self are telling you. You will probably find that you become more intuitive as you open your mind to all of the possible meaning the words and images of your readings may trigger in you. Remember that everything that you feel and think when you receive your answer is your answer, not just the obvious meanings of the words you read and hear. Emotions and thoughts that are triggered by these words and pictures, memories, smells, even the oddest of thoughts and associations, are all part of the process of receiving guidance from your Higher Self. Psychiatrists and psychologists call this "free association." Free association is when you allow your mind to let outside stimuli — words, pictures, smells, ideas — bring up whatever images, words, and concepts that come into your mind without you censoring them.

Allowing yourself to practice free association when you get a tarot reading can help you to become much more intuitive and creative in the rest of your life. Just allowing yourself even a brief time where you let your thoughts arise however they may come will help you develop the self-confidence and bravery necessary for your innate creativity to rise to the surface any time you need it to solve a problem.

After doing one-card readings for a while, you will probably want to get more in-depth guidance and understanding. If so, you can join us as a member and get unlimited 3-card Mind/Body/Sprit and Past/Present/Future, as well as 11-card Celtic Cross readings, the most thorough and ancient tarot technique we know or know of.

To gain access to the tremendous knowledge of our Higher Self we must quiet the mind that 'thinks' so we can listen to the part of us that 'knows'. This can be accomplished by putting ourselves in a relaxed state using the following technique.

Sit comfortably. Take a luxurious deep breath. If you are very stressed, watch our free Grounding Ritual movie. It will help you calm yourself.

How to phrase your question is very important in determining the quality of the answer you will receive. It is best to keep your questions simple, direct and then approach your answer with an open mind to allow you to let the impressions evoked from the cards enter your consciousness. The more specific you can make your question the more direct will be your answer.

When you begin your investigation into a particular subject it is best to phrase your first question in the form of 'Tell me what I need to know about _______ right now' or 'What should I concentrate upon in my quest for ', rather than 'Will I get the job (mate, money, place to live, etc.) this week.'

Other possible ways to phrase your first question are:

  • 'What is the course of action I should take with regards to _______ .'
  • 'What lesson do I need to learn about _______ .'
  • 'What will be the outcome of _______ upon (me, my friend, my family, my business, my relationship, my finances, my career, etc.)'
Once you have asked the first question about a situation and received information about the basic conditions involved you can then follow up with questions regarding timing.

It is good to suggest a time limit on your answer for purposes of clarity such as, 'What conditions can I expect to encounter at work (today, tomorrow, this week, this month, for the next three months, etc.)' or 'How will my relationship with my partner progress during the summer season'.

Once you have become familiar with the meanings of the individual cards you are encouraged to experiment with your own methods of phrasing questions.

To assist you in concentrating on your question you should visualize in your mind's eye the situation you are asking about. Pose your question without any attachment to the answer you will receive. Desire only the truth and not the answer you would like to see.

The Enchanted Tarot has been designed with the idea in mind of helping all who study its ancient truths to become more in touch with their own inner voice. If you have the time, we suggest that you keep a journal of your questions, the cards picked as answers, your interpretations of the answers and the actual progression and resolution of the situations inquired about. In your journal note which cards appear upright and reversed. After you have built up a record of your readings you then will be able to review it and see for yourself what the cards where trying to tell you. You may be surprised at how accurate the readings appear to be, even the ones that didn't appear too accurate when you first received them.


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